SKU #10404
Lame per taglierino per cartone
Le lame per taglierino per cartone Slice® 10404 sono compatibili con i taglierini per cartone, i taglierini a penna e i mini cutter Slice. Queste lame al 100 percento in ossido di zirconio durano 11 volte di più di quelle in acciaio e sono caratterizzate dal nostro sistema di affilatura finger-friendly®. Le lame in ceramica Slice non richiedono lubrificanti o manutenzione; non producono scintille, non sono magnetiche e non si arrugginiscono mai. Le lame 10404 con punta arrotondata prevengono ancora di più eventuali incidenti causati dalla punta. Se doveste avere bisogno di una nuova lama, non dovete fare altro che ruotarla dall’altro lato.
- Tipo di lama: punta arrotondata
- Più sicure delle lame tradizionali
- Affilatura finger-friendly® che taglia in modo efficace
- Durano fino a 11,2 volte di più di quelle in metallo
- Meno sostituzioni della lama = meno incidenti
- Non producono scintille, non conducono elettricità, non sono magnetiche
- Chimicamente inerti, non arrugginiscono mai
- Non necessitano di lubrificanti
- Non necessitano di contenitori per oggetti affilati
- Riciclabili al 100 percento
- Sicure da -40°C a 1600°C
- Impugnature compatibili: 10400, 10474, 10475, 10476, 10495, 10503, 10512, 10513, 10514, 10515
- 4 lame reversibili per pacco
- SKU #10404
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Cutting Depth:
Material: zirconium oxide
Dimensions: L
Weight: 0.012 kg x W x H

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What Are Box Cutter Blades?
Box cutter blades are removable components that include the cutting edge of your box cutter. Different styles of box cutter blade exist for different kinds of tools. These include snap-off metal blades and metal or ceramic one-piece box cutter replacement blades. Replacing the blade in a box cutter is a common cause of injury with traditional blades (both metal and ceramic) because their edges are extremely sharp.
What Are the Important Box Cutter Safety Considerations?
When looking at safety, it's important to consider several different aspects of your tool. Dimensions are most relevant when looking at how much blade will be exposed during cutting. How to change a box cutter blade will differ with various handle styles and is also worth considering, since accidents often happen when users switch blades in their knives. The easier the box cutter blade replacement process, the less likely you are to be injured.
Blade disposal is also important. If you're using dangerous traditional blades, a sharps box is essential. With Slice's rounded-tip finger-friendly® safety blades, you do not require a sharps disposal setup. Lastly, if safety is your most important concern, it makes sense to choose a rounded tip rather than a pointed tip. However, for some applications that require piercing to initiate the cut, a pointed tip is required. This may also necessitate sharps box disposal. Be sure to take this into account when choosing your blade.
Blade disposal is also important. If you're using dangerous traditional blades, a sharps box is essential. With Slice's rounded-tip finger-friendly® safety blades, you do not require a sharps disposal setup. Lastly, if safety is your most important concern, it makes sense to choose a rounded tip rather than a pointed tip. However, for some applications that require piercing to initiate the cut, a pointed tip is required. This may also necessitate sharps box disposal. Be sure to take this into account when choosing your blade.
Why Choose Slice Ceramic Blades?
Slice blades are designed with safety in mind. We use 100 percent zirconium oxide, which is much harder than steel. Because of its hardness and edge retention, our ceramics don’t need to be sharpened to excess in order to be effective. Our blades start out less sharp than a dangerously sharp traditional blade and will retain cutting effectiveness for an average of 11 times longer than steel. In addition, our ceramic blades are non-conductive, non-sparking, chemically inert, and never rust, making them ideal for many industrial applications.
How Often Should I Replace My Box Cutter Blade?
All box cutter blades need to be replaced as soon as they get too dull and require excessive pressure to effectively cut material. With a steel blade, this happens very quickly as steel is a relatively soft material. Slice ceramics are much harder and therefore hold their edge longer. So while your Slice blade will eventually dull, it will take eleven times longer to do so.